Sunday, October 27, 2013


 How To Make Your Makeup Last: 
Start with a primer, which will basically act as a shield between your makeup and any oil or sweat that may (okay, will) occur during the day.  I’ve heard great things about L’Oreal Paris Magic Perfecting Base Face Primer.
Make a base for eye makeup by wetting an eyeshadow brush and then sweeping on some beige or taupe powder eyeshadow.  So cheap and so easy- who knew?
I can’t recommend liquid eyeliner highly enough.  I know it takes some practice to use, but if you’re anything like me, the time is much better spent perfecting the skill than rubbing off raccoon eyes caused by pencil liners every single day at 3pm.  Try Covergirl LineBlast 24 Hour Eyeliner.
Definitely go for a waterproof mascara.  I’m a sucker for mascara marketing campaigns, so lately I’ve been using Maybelline Volum’Express Colossal Cat Eyes, but Maybelline Great Lashhas been my standby ever since I read about it in Seventeen Magazine a decade ago.
I got a tiny sample of Benetint cheek stain in a magazine a year ago, and have been using it ever since.  I suggest using a stain instead of a powder blush because it blends right in so it looks natural, and you don’t run the risk of it falling off your face little by little throughout the day.  Does anyone know of a cheek stain available at drugstores?  Don’t know what I’m going to do when this sample runs out!
Choose a silicone-based lip color- the silicone will make it less likely to sink into fine lines in your lips.  I’m usually more of a lipgloss kind of girl, but lots of people love Maybelline SuperStay 14HR Lipstick.
Finish with a powder, which will seal your makeup in place and help reduce shininess.  One of my best friends swears by Covergirl Clean Pressed Powder.
Oil has a way of sucking up makeup and making it disappear super fast, so combat any extra oil or shine with blotting papers.  I’ve been a fan of Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets since my first middle school dance and still carry them with me in my purse every day.

One thing I don’t know: how to choose a foundation that will stay on all day without clogging your pores.  I feel like there’s always something new out there, and can never tell the different products apart.  Anyone know of a good foundation?  Help me and your fellow readers out and share in the comments!

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