Sunday, January 6, 2013

Acne fighting foods

Hey guys!

There are a lot of great things about being a teenager, but breakouts are definitely not one of them!!! I stick to a smart skincare routine, take makeup breaksand keep my cell phone clean, but no matter what I do I still break out every once in a while. So today I wanted to talk about fighting acne from the inside out. That’s right—did you know that what you eat affects how clear your skin is?

1. Cherries, berries, green tea, and spinach. All of these foods are rich in antioxidants, which help prevent skin damage and breakouts.

2. Artichokes, oatmeal, brown rice, and figs. These four foods contain magnesium, which helps balance hormones that cause acne. Hormones can be a MAJOR cause of breakouts for teenagers, so this food group is really important!

3. Salmon and walnuts. These foods are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce redness and inflammation.

4. Nuts, soybeans, almonds, leafy greens, and eggs. These foods contain lots of Vitamin E, which protects your skin from scarring.

5. Oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and melons. Foods with a lot of vitamin C in them activate healing powers for damaged or irritated skin.

Do you have any skincare tips to share?
Tell me about them below!

xo Laura

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